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Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you to all the parents and carers who made contact with the teaching staff during the interview sessions. As some families were not able to come at those times we are keen for you to have the opportunity to talk with the teachers about your child. Some parents have made contact for a phone interview, this is always an option and some have made times for next week. If you haven’t had an interview with your child’s teacher please email and make a booking directly with the home room teacher.
Home room teacher emails are as follows
Anne-Marie Robb - Principal or
Michelle Inchincoli – Senior Leading Teacher- Religious Education Leader- Yellow
Room home room teacher -
Erin Larkins – Learning Adjustment Leader- Green Room home room teacher
Raylene Wilkinson – Wellbeing Teacher- Art Specialist – Librarian Teacher
Toni Trotman – Orange Room home room teacher -
Tania Masut – Purple Room home room teacher -
Saskia Bakker – Red Room home room teacher –
Maddy Arbuthnot – STEM and AUSLAN teacher- support in Green Home Room –
Izzy Hobbs – PE teacher – Food Tech and Sustainability coordinator – Blue Home
Room teacher Monday, Tuesday and Thursday -
Deb Dean – Blue Room home room teacher –
Wednesday and Friday.
Uniform reminder… if you have not been able to purchase the correct uniform for
your child please let the office or your home room teacher know. We have a few girls
in short squorts which are not the school uniform culottes. Plain shorts in bottle
green are acceptable from Kmart or Big W with an online option for culottes if you
choose. I must remind all students the only jewellery acceptable is, one or two a
plain stud or sleeper in ear lobes, religious crosses around the neck (at your own
risk). Bracelets and rings are not acceptable and students will be asked to remove
them. Nail polish is not acceptable either are long nails glued on. Please contact the
school regarding any concern around the uniform.
Thank you for your support.
On tuck-shop and pizza days we must have the orders in by 10:00am on Thursday
we have had several orders coming on Friday morning. We may not be able to fill the
tuck-shop orders with the child’s choice. On the pizza days we may not be able to fill
them at all as we have to coordinate with the pizza shop.
A gentle reminder that when dropping off students in the morning please either park
in the car park and have the students walk across the crossing or drive to the bottom
For safety reasons we cannot have cars parking where the morning bollards
are or beyond to let children out. Parents and Carers who wish to drop and run
must drive to the gate at 8:30 and let the children walk up inside the school.
Cars must move in and around the car park at walking pace (10kph) as designated
by the signs on the road and (5kph) in the car park. Everybody must enter and leave
the road slowly.
I wish you all a restful long weekend in this heat. Monday is the Labour Day public holiday and Tuesday is a staff professional development day, so no students are required at school.
See you all on Wednesday,
God Bless,
Anne-Marie Robb
March 2025 | |
Tuesday 4th | Shrove Tuesday |
Wednesday 5th | Ash Wednesday |
Foundation Rest Day | |
Division Swimming | |
Monday 10th | Labour Day Public Holiday |
Tuesday 11th | Staff Professional Development - Student Free Day |
Tuesday 11th - Friday 14th | Dental Van Visit |
Friday 14th | Hot Chip Lunch |
Wednesday 12th - Monday 24th | NAPLAN - Grade 3s and 5s |
Sat 15th/Sun 16th | First Eucharist Commitment Mass |
Tuesday 18th | Casual Clothes - bring a donation for the Easter raffle |
Friday 21st | Canteen Lunch |
Harmony Day | |
Sat22nd/Sun23rd | First Eucarist Commitment Mass |
Friday 28th | St John First Aid - incursion for students |
Zio's Pizza Lunch | |
Sunday 30th | Sacrament of Eucharist Mass 10:30am |
April 2025 | |
Friday 4th | Easter Bonnet Parade / Stations of the Cross |
Hot Chip Lunch | |
Term 1 Ends 3pm |
Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour
Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour
Teachers are working on a plan for a school wide approach to consequences. Students will begin work on this in the next few weeks and will be asked to consider how
our behaviours can impact others.
Students will learn that our behaviours can impact those around us in both positive and negative ways. We will then explore techniques we can use to repair our relationships with others.